
    1. Hébert, M.P., C. Symons, M. Cañedo-Argüelles, S. Arnott, A. Derry, V. Fugère, W. Hintz, S. Melles, L. Astorg, H. Baker, J. Brentrup, A. Downing, Z. Ersoy, C. Espinosa, J. Franceschini, A. Giorgio, N. Gobeler, D. Gray, D. Greco, E. Hassal, M. Huynh, S. Hylander, K. Jonasen, A. Kirkwood, S. Langenheder, O. Langvall, H. Laudon, L. Lind, M. Lundgren, A. McClymont, L. Proia, R. Relyea, J. Rusak, M. Schuler, C. Searle, J. Shurin, C. Steiner, M. Striebel, S. Thibodeau, P. Urrutia-Cordero, L. Vendrell-Puigmitja, G. Weyhenmeyer, B. Beisner. In Review. Lake salinization drives consistent losses of zooplankton abundance and diversity across coordinated experiments.

    2. Coldsnow, K.D., W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler, A.B. Stoler, R.A. Relyea. 2021. Calcium chloride pollution mitigates the negative effects of an invasive clam. Biological Invasions. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-020-02443-x. [Article]

    3. Schuler, M.S., Hintz, W.D., Jones, D.K., Mattes, B.M., Stoler, A.B., & Relyea, R.A. 2020. The effects of nutrient enrichment and invasive mollusks on freshwater environments. Ecosphere. 11(10), e03196. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3196. [Article]

    4. García-Quismondo, M., W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler, and R.A. Relyea. 2020. Modeling diel vertical migration with membrane computing. Journal of Membrane Computing. DOI: 10.1007/s41965-020-00038-y. [Article]

    5. Kornecki, K.M., M.S. Schuler, M.E. Katz, R.A. Relyea, F.M.G. McCarthy, M.F. Schaller, D.P. Gillikin, J.C. Stager, C.W. Boylen, L. Eichler, and S. Nierzwicki-Bauer. 2020. The Canary in the Coal Mine: Testate Amoebae Record Anthropogenic Impacts in Sediments of Oligotrophic Lake George, NY, USA. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 50(2), 128-140. DOI: 10.2113/gsjfr.50.2.128. [Article]

    6. Hintz, W.D., M.S. Schuler, J.J. Borrelli, L.W. Eichler, A.B. Stoler, V.W. Moriarty, L.E. Ahrens, C.W. Boylen, S.A. Nierzwicki-Bauer, and R.A. Relyea. 2020. Concurrent improvement and deterioration of epilimnetic water quality in an oligotrophic lake over 37 years. Limnology and Oceanography. 65(5), 927-938. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11359. [Article]

    7. Hintz, W.D., M.S. Schuler, D.K. Jones, K.D. Coldsnow, A.B. Stoler, and R.A. Relyea. 2019. Nutrients influence the multi-trophic impacts of an invasive species unaffected by native competitors or predators. Science of the Total Environment. 694, 133704. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133704. [Article]

    8. Chase, J.M., L. Gooriah, F. May, W.A. Ryberg, M.S. Schuler, D. Craven, T.M. Knight. 2019. A framework for dissecting ecological mechanisms underlying the island species-area relationship. Frontiers in Biogeography. DOI:10.21425/F5FBG40844. [Article]

    9. DeWitt, P.D., D.R. Visscher, M.S. Schuler, and R.P. Thiel. 2019. Predation risk suppresses lifetime reproductive success in a wild mammal. Oikos. DOI:10.1111/oik.05935. [Article]

    10. M.S. Schuler,M.Cañedo-Argüelles, W.D. Hintz, B. Dyack, S. Birk, and R.A. Relyea.2019. Regulations are needed to protect freshwater ecosystems from salinization.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. DOI:10.1098/rstb.2018-0019. [Article]

    11. Lind, L., M.S. Schuler,W.D.Hintz, D.K. Jones, B.M. Mattes, A.B. Stoler, and R.A. Relyea.2018. Salty fertile lakes: How salinization and eutrophication alter the structure of freshwater communities. Ecosphere. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.2383. [Article]

    12. Jones, D.K., E.K. Yates, B.M. Mattes, W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler, and R.A. Relyea. 2018. Timing and frequency of exposure modifies retention of induced tolerance to contaminants in amphibians. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. DOI:10.1002/etc.4177. [Article]

    13. Schuler, M.S. and R.A. Relyea. 2018. A review of the combined threats of heavy metals and road salts to freshwater ecosystems. Bioscience. 68(5): 327-335. [Article]

    14. Schuler, M.S.and R.A. Relyea. 2018. Road salts and organic additives affect mosquito recruitment: an emerging problem in wetlands. Oikos. 127(6): 866-874. [Article]

    15. Jones, D.K., W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler, E.K. Yates, B.M. Mattes, and R.A. Relyea.2018.Inducible tolerance to agrochemicals was paved by evolutionary responses to predators. Environmental Science and Technology.51(23): 13913-13919. [Article]

    16. DeWitt, P.D., M.S. Schuler, D.R. Visscher, and R.P. Thiel. 2017. Nutritional state reveals complex consequences of risk in a wild predator-prey community. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.284(1858). [Article]

    17. Schuler, M.S., J.M. Chase, and T.M. Knight. 2017. Habitat size modulates the influence of heterogeneity on species diversity patterns in an experimental zooplankton community. Ecology. 98(6): 1651-1659. [Article]

    18. Schuler, M.S., J.M. Chase, and T.M. Knight. 2017. Habitat size alters the importance of dispersal for species diversity in a freshwater zooplankton community. Ecology and Evolution. 7(15): 5774-5783. [Article]

    19. Stoler, A.B., W.D. Hintz, D.K. Jones, L. Lind, B.M. Mattes, M.S. Schuler,R.A. Relyea. 2017. Leaf litter mediates the negative effect of road salt on forested wetland communities. Freshwater Science. 36(2): 415-426. [Article]

    20. Stoler, A.B., W.D. Hintz, D.K. Jones, L. Lind, B.M. Mattes, M.S. Schuler, R.A. Relyea. 2017. Effects of a common insecticide on wetland communities with varying quality of leaf litter inputs. Environmental Pollution. (226): 452-462.[Article]

    21. Schuler, M. S., W.D. Hintz, D.K. Jones, L. Lind, B.M. Mattes, A.B. Stoler, K. Sudol, and R.A. Relyea. 2017. In search of safer alternatives: How common road salts and organic additives alter freshwater food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology. 54(5): 1353-1361. [Article]

    22. Hintz, W.D., B.M. Mattes, M.S. Schuler, D.K. Jones, A.B. Stoler, L. Lind, and R.A. Relyea. 2017. Salinization triggers a trophic cascade in experimental freshwater communities with varying food-chain length. Ecological Applications. 27(3): 833-844. [Article]

    23. Jones, D.K., B.M. Mattes, W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler, A.B. Stoler, L. Lind, R.O. Cooper, and R.A. Relyea. 2017. Investigation of road salts and biotic stressors on freshwater wetland communities. Environmental Pollution. (221): 159-167. [Article]

    24. Stoler, A.B., B.M. Walker, W.D. Hintz, D.K. Jones, L. Lind, B. M. Mattes, M.S. Schuler, and R.A. Relyea. 2017. Combined effects of road salt and an insecticide on wetland communities. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36(3): 771-779. [Article]

    25. Sears, M.W., M.J. Angilletta,M.S.Schuler, J. Borchert, K.F. Dilliplane, M. Stegman, T. Rusch, and W.A. Mitchell.2016. Configuration of the thermal landscape determines thermoregulatory performance of ectotherms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113(38): 10595-10600. [Article]

    26. Schuler, M.S., J.M. Chase, and T.M. Knight. 2015. More individuals drive the species energy-area relationship in a zooplankton community. Oikos. 124(8): 1065-1070. [Article]

    27. Schuler, M.S. and J.L. Orrock. 2012. The maladaptive significance of maternal effects in plants. Evolutionary Ecology. 26(3): 475-481.[Article]

    28. Schuler, M.S., M.W. Sears, and M.J. Angilletta. 2011. Food consumption does not affect the preferred body temperature of Yarrow’s spiny lizard (Sceloporus jarrovi). Journal of Thermal Biology. 36(2): 112-115. [Article]

    29. Schuler, M.S., J.J. Storm, B.C. Cooper, M.W. Sears, and M.J. Angilletta. 2011. Isopods failed to acclimate their thermal physiology of locomotor performance during predictable or stochastic cooling. PloS ONE. 6(6): e20905. [Article]

    30. Angilletta, M.J., B.S. Cooper, M.S. Schuler,and J.G. Boyles. 2010. The evolution of thermal physiology in endotherms. Frontiers in Bioscience E. (2): 861-881. [Article]

    31. Schuler, M.S. and R.P. Thiel. 2008. Annual vs. multiple year home range sizes of individual Blanding’s turtles Emydoidea blandingii in Central Wisconsin.The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 122(1): 61-64.[Article]